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- A Look Back at The Wins and Lessons of 2024
A Look Back at The Wins and Lessons of 2024
We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience.
Read time: 3 minutes
Reflection is the First Step to Growth
2024 brought wins, lessons, and challenges.
As entrepreneurs, we often sprint from one goal to the next, barely pausing to look back.
But real growth doesn’t just come from action—it comes from understanding the patterns that shaped our year.
By reflecting intentionally, you’ll uncover insights that can guide your biggest breakthroughs in 2025.
Use the following prompts to take stock of your year.
Yes… write it down on paper or in your devices notes.
Next week, we’ll take your answers and turn them into a personalized strategy to solve problems and set goals.
(Make sure to save your answers wherever you’ll be or device you’ll be using next Wednesday)
1. Energy and Resilience
Energy is the fuel for everything you do.
Reflect on when you thrived—and when you struggled.
How would I rate my energy levels this year from 1-10?
What times of the year did I feel most energized and sharp? What patterns contributed to this?
Were there moments of burnout or exhaustion? What caused them?
2. Focus and Productivity
Your ability to focus determines how much you accomplish—and what truly moves the needle.
Did I spend enough time on deep, focused work this year?
What tasks or habits distracted me most often?
What helped me stay on track during my most productive periods?
3. Decision-Making
Every decision shapes your year—whether you realize it or not.
Reflect on how you approached them.
How would I rate the quality of my decisions this year from 1-10?
Did I use any decision-making tools or frameworks (e.g., pros/cons lists, matrices)? Which ones worked?
Were there moments when decision fatigue affected me? How often, and what caused it?
4. Learning and Growth
Entrepreneurs thrive on constant improvement.
Think about the lessons and skills that defined your year.
What was the most valuable thing I learned this year, and how did I apply it?
Were there any skills or knowledge gaps that held me back?
5. Stress and Emotional Regulation
Stress is inevitable, but how you manage it can change everything.
What situations caused me the most stress this year?
How effective were my strategies for managing stress (e.g., exercise, meditation)?
6. Health and Habits
Your body supports your mind.
Did your habits set you up for success—or hold you back?
Did my eating and sleeping habits support my mental clarity?
What single habit had the biggest positive impact on my cognitive performance?
7. Cognitive Wins
Look back on your biggest moments of clarity and success.
What was my biggest mental breakthrough or “A-ha” moment this year?
What conditions or habits led to this success?
Final Thought: Build a Stronger 2025 by Looking Back
Reflection isn’t about solving everything right now—it’s about understanding.
Take 10 minutes today to jot down your answers.
Next week, we’ll take these insights and craft a 2025 game plan to help you tackle challenges, build on wins, and make your next year your best one yet.
P.S. Make sure you save your answers on the device your reading this on.
Next Wednesday I’ll send you the blueprint to customize based on your goals for 2025!
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